Sensory Play: Mystery Box

It doesn’t get easier, or more fun, than this! Grab a box, cut out a few holes, add some mystery items and present the box to your little and see what happens.

For our mystery box, we cut out two holes and made “curtains” out of yarn to keep the items extra hidden. We added a large piece of colorful fabric, a fuzzy pipe cleaner, two toy cars, a ball pit ball and some yarn.

Here’s what one mom said about the mystery box sensory activity:

“The mystery box is the gift that keeps on giving! It has kept us entertained all day! He picks out a toy and then he’ll obsessively play for it for like 15 minutes or so and then will go back when he is ready for something new.”

They’re on day 3 of playing with the mystery box and it’s not yet lost its entertainment value!

Download a PDF of this activity.

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Sensory Play: Pipe Cleaner Activity


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