The First Milestones

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No-Cook Playdough

Have you ever noticed that when your kids are involved with a process from the beginning (think: baking, cooking, making a paper doll), they tend to be more engaged with the end result? Understanding how something is made, how long it takes, and the effort that’s required to create seems to give kids a better appreciation for the product. It’s no different with this playdough. We have cans and cans of store-bought playdough at home that sit untouched on the shelf for weeks at a time, but when we make our own playdough, we find that playtime with playdough is extended exponentially.
This is a great no-cook recipe so littles can be involved from start to finish. Extend the sensory experience by adding spices, extracts (we love mint extract), and other materials like glitter to the dough.

Store in a plastic zip bag or air tight container, and keep in the fridge when not in use!

Download a PDF of this activity.

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