Dream Park in Fort Worth


Dream Park is a public playground owned by the City of Fort Worth, and it’s located by the Trinity Trail, directly across the street from the Botanic Garden. It features an inclusive design and allows for children of all abilities to play! We love this park! From the soft foamy ground to the different areas designed for different ages, this park really hits all the fun notes. There are two swing areas, lots of fun ladders, walls, and houses to climb, and plenty of room to spread out.

The park starts to get crowded at around 10:30 on the weekends, and you’ll be pressed to find a parking spot on a sunny weekend afternoon. During the week, you can visit pretty much any time of day and you’ll find that there are enough people for interaction, and plenty of space if you’re maintaining social distance.

This is definitely one of our favorite parks in Fort Worth.


Tillery Park


Newby Park