Carol is available for day-time weekday babysitting and can serve as an occasional backup caregiver. Rates start at $16/hr depending on needs and number of children.
Laura is a TCU student studying Early Childhood Education with availability all day Friday. She is looking for a regular, recurring position. Rates start at $20/hr
Luisa is a full-time nanny with one of our families and is available for occasional date-night babysitting. She was most recently an au pair for a family with 5 children. Rates start at $18/hr.
Yas is a full-time nanny with one of our families and is available for occasional date-night babysitting. She’s a mom to a 3 year old boy. Rates start at $17/hr.
Iralind is a pre-law student at TCU and has babysitting and some nanny experience. She’s available for date-night, weekend and some weekday babysitting. Rates start at $15/hr.