The First Milestones

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Community Gardens

Right before the pandemic, around February of 2020, my friend and I decided to get a plot in our neighborhood community garden. We had no idea how important and meaningful this decision that we made on a whim would end up being.

During the early days of the pandemic, none of us really knew what was happening or what we should be doing, only that we could really only spend time outside. Our community garden was a place that felt safe and peaceful and brought calm to my anxious heart.

Since then, we’ve continued to garden, and I’ve seen how spending time in the garden has helped my 2 year old learn about nature, nurturing, independence, boundaries, and just so much more.

We spend time in the garden when there’s nothing else to do, we go when we have to tend to our plants, we go to paint, we go to play in dirt, we go just because.

If you’re a parent or nanny to younger children (but really of any age), I recommend seeking out local community gardens. They really are great places to teach so many life lessons, and it’s pretty great when your kid knows how to identify mint, rosemary, basil and other herbs and vegetables.

Here’s a list of area community gardens: